Sunday, June 12, 2011

Marriage, Family, and Fun

This friday jordan and i celebrated our 3 year anniversary (which was on the 5th of june). we went and did sealings at the draper temple, which was way fun and gave us time to reflect on our own sealing, and then we went to dinner at the outback. yum! while i know we still have a lot to learn, there are a few things that jordan and i have learned over three years of marriage. one is that a marriage cannot fail if you are always concerned more about your spouse than you are about yourself, but this only works when both people are doing this. there is no place in a marriage for selfishness. we've also learned that life throws tons of different obstacles in our way but as long as we stick together, stay close to our father in heaven, and try to enjoy the journey we end up fine and happy in the end.

then saturday we had a fun family lagoon day! my dancers at l.a. dance co. had a dance competition that i was there to support and we decided to make a day of it! oh and my girls took 1st place in both dances they competed. and one of my dancers competed a solo and she took queen in her division!!! yay! congrats power dancers, thanks for working so hard and bringing me joy through your talents and love for dance! we had a lot of fun with all of jordan's family, and erika and kelton. (i didn't take any pictures, i don't know what i was thinking) and finally, today (sunday) kelton had his homecoming and he did a great job!

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