Sunday, May 8, 2011


I love being a mom. I love it more than I ever thought I would. There is a lot that goes into being a Mom, more than any one can ever imagine until they do it. I wouldn't say it is "work", because it is so much more meaningful than work. You get to be a part of shaping a persons life, you get to teach them the fun, happy, beautiful, enjoyable, sad, hard, necessary, (i could go on and on) things about life. I often feel overwhelmed when thinking about how much influence I have on my beautiful baby girl. I want so many things for her. And I want to be the best Mom for her, I want to protect her and I never want her to make a bad decision and I never want her to feel hurt. I know that that is not reality, but I still hope that we, together, can avoid most major problems that some people go through in life. I want her to understand the gospel so that it can be a strength and a help in her life. I want her to fall in love with something, to have a passion for something. I want her to be a happy person who brings joy to the people that surround her. I want her to know that she can be an influence for good for every person she comes in contact with. I want her to know that she has a family who adores her. I want her to know that God loves her, is aware of her, and will always be there for her. I want her to learn how to work hard. I want her to develop talents, to have the feeling of success and accomplishment in her life. I want her to love to learn. I want her to have a family of her own and learn what it feels like to be a Mom. I want her to marry her best friend, someone who will love her and take care of her. I was driving yesterday and the song "I hope you dance" came on. I cryed because I feel all those things for my sweet baby girl. Also, I am so grateful for my Mom. She is such a great support in my life, and she is my biggest fan. She is willing to help me whenever and she is the best Mom I could have ever hoped for. She loves Peyton so much and she is such a wonderful grandma. Not to forget my Mother in law who is such a sweet person, and she is so easy to talk to. I love being around her and am so glad to be part of her family. She is also a fantastic grandma, Peyton is one blessed little girl with two parents who love her, and two sets of grandparents who adore and can't get enough of her. Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there who love their babies and do so much for them. I feel blessed every day of my life that I have the opportunity to be a Mom.

1 comment:

Ashley and Stephen said...

You made me cry :) Love this post and love you.